Te Waka Kai Ora  

National Māori Organics Authority of Aotearoa. We are the kaitiaki of the Hua Parakore


Hua Parakore verification system

Ready to become part of the Hua Parakore community?

Enrolments open Rakau-nui, September 18th, 2024! Exciting opportunities await!

Be part of the change by joining our Hua Parakore Indigenous verification system. 

  • Introduction to Hua Parakore online course.

  • Monthly online Wānanga.

  • Included membership to Te Waka Kai Ora.

  • Invitation to Hua Parakore Hui a tau. 

  • Network with like-minded growers from across Aotearoa.

  • Become verified and add value to your product or service. 

  • Have your enrolment link sent straight to your inbox by joining our mailing list below.
Join the Hua Parakore Verification

Hua Parakore

An Indigenous verification and validation system for food and product.

Hua Parakore embodies an Indigenous validation and verification system rooted in mātauranga, tikanga, and te reo, derived from the wisdom of our tūpuna. This enlightening approach allows Māori Kai, rongoā, artisian producers to authentically convey the essence of their food production through the tūpuna tikanga perspective.

Nau mai haere ki
Te Waka Kai Ora

– We are the National Māori Organics Authority of Aotearoa. We are the kaitiaki of the Hua Parakore Indigenous Validation and Verification system for Kai Atua or Pure Food. Our Hua Parakore system is a Māori food sovereignty system that supports food secure futures for our whānau. We are staunchly opposed to the use of chemicals, fertilisers and GMOs in agriculture and all food production.

We are a not-for-profit kaupapa Māori organisation. We are made up of Hua Parakore verified producers and Māori growers, producers, cooks, bakers, fermenters and farmers. Our community stretches across the motu and to Indigenous cousins in Hawaii, and Taiwan.

We were founded in 2001 at a hui at Ratana Pa.

Our kaupapapa is understood in the whakatauki: 

He Kai te Rongoa He Rongoa te Kai - Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

Our Kaupapa include:

Mauri Ora; te oranga ara orangatanga o te haa o te Ao Turoa, Putaiao (resonance)
Manawa Ora, te oranga, orangatanga mai e te hinengaro (maturity)   
Wai Ora, oranga;  orangatanga mai e te wairua (vibrancy)
Whanau Ora, oranga; orangatanga timatatanga o te tiaki whanau (unity)
Hau Ora, oranga, orangatanga, te hihiri o te hau whangai te tinana ( vitality) Nā 
– Te Iwi Puihi Tipene, Ngati Hine, Founder Te Waka Kai Ora.

We are a Treaty partner organisation to Organics Aotearoa New Zealand and have relationships
and many friends across the wider organics sector and with Māori organisations and communities in Aotearoa. We are grateful for the support from Te Aho Tu Roa, Toimata Foundation, Soil and Health, Te Puni Kokiri, Ministry for the environment and Aatea Solutions for their tautoko.

Te Waka Kai Ora E panui 

Stay in touch with us

We will keep you up to date on events, maara kai tips and Hua Parakore news 

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